Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pull Up a Chair

What’s up with Supper Table 2.0?  One of my favorite things is to go to dinner with friends and discuss current topics, philosophical ideas, analysis of life, etc.  I’ve threatened many times to start having dinner parties where a diverse group of people come together and discuss a topic pulled from a hat, all viewpoints welcomed.  However, I haven’t taken the plunge on that one because with my cooking I’m afraid that there wouldn’t be a second dinner party to plan!  Also, I glamorize the idea of the 1950’s family all sitting down at 6:00PM to have dinner together and discuss the day’s happenings and current news landscape.  So I decided in this ever decreasing economy the cheapest way to have my dinner parties and not make anyone sick from my domestic abilities (or lack thereof) in the kitchen I’d create Supper Table 2.0.  Everything else is 2.0 these days, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 Gov 2.0, Nonprofits 2.0, etc. hence Supper Table 2.0! So I hope you’ll pull up a chair at my Supper Table and engage in intriguing conversation as we broach different topics.  (Just a note, because I’m a student of social media and am absorbed and fascinated by this space, most of my topics will be in this area.)

"Ideal conversation must be an exchange of thought, and not, as many of those who worry most about their shortcomings believe, an eloquent exhibition of wit or oratory.  Happily for most of us, it is not necessary to have any very special gift of cleverness to be a person with whom others are delighted to talk." Emily Post, Etiquette ©1950


  1. Let's discuss, "How to Make My Comments Post."
    The word verification will never load, so I just guess at it...

  2. I'm off to find a chair...not sure I can "partake" in the conversation as my vocabulary is restricted and doesn't extend to 2.0.
    Just in case you do decided to cook, "What's for supper?"

  3. This is great. Looking forward to participating in the upcoming dinner parties. I hope that you at least post pictures of food. :)

  4. What the hell did that Emily Post quote mean?

  5. I recall some interesting microwave mac-n-cheese as well as microwave chocolate bars for strawberries.
